
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Screen Captures: showing more than just your screen

One of my favorite tech tools is using some form of a screen capture. For those who are unfamiliar with screen captures it is a very simple process. Screen capture software is a software that has the ability to take a picture or video of your screen and share it via many different ways.

The one I use most often is by a company called Tech Smith, Tech Smith's "Jing" can be used in so many ways.

It can capture lecture or lessons for students who are absent. It can give you the ability to "flip" your classroom when you have an activity or lab that will require the entire class period to complete, but students need the information to complete the task. Flipping the classroom is where a teacher provides students with the lesson via video. Videos can be uploaded to YouTube, vimeo or other video hosting sites, or burnt to a DVD. The concepts are learned at home and practiced in the classroom. It also provides teachers the opportunity to enrich students who are above level or on level and provide one on one or small group time for those needing support. It is just one avenue in the blended learning classroom.